A couple of years ago, determined to seek out new opportunities in fiction, Sourcebooks conducted a deep dive into the mystery and suspense categories. That data analysis made a strong case for development of a mystery program at Sourcebooks. A year and a half later, we launched our first mystery titles, and, in true Sourcebooks fashion, we continue to turn to the data to tell us what's working (or not) in this ever-growing space.
The Strand Magazine, a leading mystery magazine, recently profiled Sourcebooks and our expansion into mystery & suspense. In "Sourcebooks: Driving Change in the Publishing World," editor Garrett Kim cited Sourcebooks' "reputation for the intimacy it cultivates when working with authors" and went on to say, "While Sourcebooks has become a haven for authors looking to make their debuts, the firm has also become a source for more accomplished authors to find a personal relationship with a publisher that they won’t get with other firms." We are incredibly excited about some of the successes we are experiencing in mystery, including Randall Silvis' Ryan DeMarco Mystery series--Two Days Gone (January 2017), and the forthcoming, Walking the Bones (January 2018)--and the soon-to-be-launched cozy mystery series with New York Times Bestselling author Denise Swanson, Dead in the Water (on-sale September 5). Both Silvis and Swanson shared their own experiences working with Sourcebooks, with Swanson noting that "Working with [Sourcebooks] is experiencing what you think publishing is going to be like before you’re actually published." You can read the full article on Strand.com. Comments are closed.
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April 2020