One Teen Author, One Big Dream: Sourcebooks and Make-A-Wish Partner for The Adventure of a Lifetime12/10/2013
Ravina Thakkar has accomplished more than many of us will in her 14 years. The bravery, maturity, and pure delight we saw this past Sunday as she stood in front of a crowd of family and friends (some old and many new!) at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville to read her debut book, The Adventure of a Lifetime, was incredible.
More than two and a half years ago, we were approached with Ravina’s dream by her Make-A-Wish “wish grantors.” Ravina, then 11, wanted the story she was working on to be published, and we accepted sight unseen. Our already high enthusiasm quickly doubled when we saw this was no mere rough short story, but a full-fledged 20,000+ word manuscript for a young middle-grade book. After rounds of edits, revisions, and all the work it takes to get a book ready to publish – all fit into the schedule of a busy young girl – The Adventure of a Lifetime released to bookstores and libraries nationwide last week, in both print and ebook formats. All of us at Sourcebooks are so thankful that we were able to work with and be inspired by such an ambitious young woman. Ravina has not let Cystic Fibrosis take over her life—she can, and will keep pushing for and pursuing her dreams. We hope you will check out The Adventure of a Lifetime; a reminder that reading and books really do change lives. Every year on December 3 (which was proclaimed Ravina Thakkar Day in Plainfield, IL, by Mayor Michael Collins), we will remember that with passion and hard work, dreams really can, and do, come true. Link to NCTV17 Story: A big THANK YOU to our team for embracing this unique and rewarding project, our business partners and friends who contributed their talents, the amazing group at Anderson’s for hosting her launch event, and the team at Make-A-Wish for making a difference each and every day. And we especially thank Ravina and her family for making us a little part of their warm and inspiring lives. Comments are closed.
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