The Heart Forger, Rin Chupeco’s stunning sequel to The Bone Witch, is set in a world as immersive as it is daunting. Here, Tea moves from exile to enact a vendetta against those who stole the love of her life. After an extended period away from her friends and enemies, Tea no longer wishes to hide. Her power has grown strong; she has control over the daeva, who are terrifying beasts. Now is her time. Entering Tea’s world is akin to stepping through the wardrobe; it is a land with entirely different customs, rules, and abilities. The laws of her universe, established beautifully in the first book of the series, flow and work without explanation. Oftentimes in fantasy, world building is a priority; as a sequel, The Heart Forger is not beholden to that. However, Tea’s world is still rich and lushly described. Tea’s primary weapon is her ability to raise the dead and have them do her bidding, a horrifying ability that is impressively conveyed. Chupeco knows that her characters are not the only ones disturbed by the walking dead; her descriptions are as captivating as they are repugnant, especially when concerning the ugliness of the rotting dead. The same bewitching skill is applied to descriptions of the world around the characters. Buildings, clothing, and conversations come across with elegance; it is alluring to gaze at the Eight Kingdoms through Tea’s eyes. In this spectacular follow-up to the rich The Bone Witch, Tea’s quest draws the reader further in, setting them on a more dangerous yet intriguing adventure. More praise for The Heart Forger:"A wonderfully original tale — even better than the first." -RT Book Reviews
"Rin’s beautifully crafted world from The Bone Witch (2017) expands in this sequel, which joins dark asha Tea on her crusade of revenge...Dark and entrancing with a third volume to come." -Booklist, STARRED "A sequel that builds in both thrills and enchantment." -Kirkus Comments are closed.
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